Coaching & Neuroscience
Appointment Length: 45min
Learn why you do the things you do and how to change predictable behaviour through a combination of neuroscience and coaching.
You will come to understand which neurons have been firing and wiring together to form your behaviour, so that you can create new neural pathways and set yourself up for greater success.
Before adding coaching to your self-development work, it is important to know four things:
Your brain has the ability to change at any age, and therefore so do your habits, success, goals, and behaviours.
There are 7 levels of effectiveness (© BEabove leadership). We all cycle through these levels, and you will learn that you can choose what level to come from in any given moment.
The impact of stress on your body and mind and how to manage and minimize your stress so that you can be more effective.
Change takes work and you need to be 100% committed to doing the work in order to see results